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Home / Fregola sarda

Blog - Fregola sarda



  FREGOLA CON LE VERDURE     (piatto vegetariano)

  • 400 Gr Fregola sarda Kiroza
  • 1 Cipolla
  • 2 Zucchine
  • 2 Carote
  • 1 Melanzana
  • 1 Patata
  • Gr 50 pecorino sardo
  • 2 bicchieri brodo vegetale
  • 1 ciuffo di basilico
  • Sale q.b.
  • Pepe q.b.
  • Olio extra vergine d’oliva q.b.
  • Difficoltà: facile
  • Preparazione :30 minuti
  • Tempo di cottura: 20 minuti
  • Costo: basso

1. Affettate finemente la cipolla e fatela imbiondire in una padella antiaderente in cui avrete scaldato alcuni cucchiai d’olio extravergine. Mondate, lavate le verdure e tagliatele a cubetti regolari. Unite le verdure al soffritto di cipolla. Regolate di sale e cuocete per una decina di muniti rigirandole spesso.
2. Lessate la fregola in abbondante acqua salata per circa 5 minuti, non dovrà essere del tutto cotta, quindi scolatela e unitela al sugo di verdure. Aggiungete poco brodo vegetale e continuate la cottura della fregola come fosse un risotto. A cottura ultima unite il basilico finemente tritato e mantecate con il formaggio grattugiato. Fate riposare alcuni minuti e servite con un’abbondante macinata di pepe nero.


FREGOLA WITH ARTICHOKES AND BOTTARGA Here is another recipe with particularly intense flavors where the delicacy of artichokes combines the most intense taste of bottarga. Ingredients for 4 people: • Gm 300 of Fregola sarda Kiroza • 4 artichokes • a piece of onion • 1 clove of garlic • 1 bunch of parsley • 50 ml of dry white wine • extra virgin olive oil j.e. • red chilli j.e. • 50 gm of grated mullet bottarga • Difficulty: easy • Preparation :30 minutes • Cooking time: 20 minutes • Cost: low • 20 min artichoke cleaning Preparation. 1. Clean the artichokes by cutting off the heads and eliminating the hardest outer leaves and thorns. 2. Cut them into slices and put them in water and lemon juice to prevent them from blackening. 3. In a pan put a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and brown the onion and garlic. Then insert the artichokes cut into thin slices and let brown. 4. Insert the white wine and let it fade over a high heat. 5. Add the Fregola Kiroza and wet, as for the risotto, with the vegetable broth or with simple hot water. 6. Cook for about 12 minutes. Adjust salt and pepper. 7. When cooked, add the chopped parsley and a generous sprinkle of bottarga and serve hot.


FREGOLA WITH SAUSAGE Ingredients for 4 people: • Gm 320 Sardinian Fregola Kiroza • Gm 120 sausage • 1/2 blonde onion • 700 ml vegetable broth/ water • Parsley j.e. • Extra virgin olive oil j.e. • Sardinian pecorino j.e. • Difficulty: easy • Preparation :30 minutes • Cooking time: 20 minutes • Cost: low Preparation 1. Finely chop the onion and sauté it in a pan by combining the extra virgin olive oil. 2. Remove the sausage gut, grind it, add them to the saucepan and sauté. 3. Pour the Fregola Kiroza into the pan and toast it for a few minutes, stirring continuously. 4. Stretch with boiling broth or hot water and continue cooking for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally. When necessary, because fregola absorbing of broth, add more broth or water. When the fregola is cooked the sauce must be creamy, not too dry but not even brothy. 5. Turn off the heat and add the pecorino cheese, mix well and let stand for a few minutes. Wash the parsley dry it, deprive it of the stems and finely chop it, spread the fregola in the dishes and finish with the fresh parsley, serve immediately.
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